Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thought of the Day

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. – Wayne Dyer

I don’t really believe in Karma, but I do believe in God, and I think that there is a hereafter, and the person would be punished in the hereafter. So that statement is pretty clear. My point on this matter is that, we shouldn’t let ‘how people treat us’ get to us. It’s like life is already too fucked up, so when we let little things get to us, we are just really making our lives more complicated. What really matters is what we think of ourselves, not how other people treat us or think of us. It’s like if you are satisfied and happy, it doesn’t really matter what people think of you or how they treat you. On the other hand, if you are insecure, about even something little, you let that very thing get to you. And that’s seriously not healthy.

Let see it from a different point of view. People say or do what they want to do. It’s probably justified from their point of view. But the best thing to do is to think of it from a neutral standpoint, analyze your actions and their effects, and do the same for the other person. If you think the other person is justified in treating you the way they did, then you are the one definitely at fault and an apology would do the both of you some good. I had say seeing one’s fault isn’t as easy to find fault with the other person, but that’s the crux of the matter, you can’t put it behind you unless you think the other person wasn’t justified in saying or doing what they did. So if you do think so, then just sleep over it. It’s the other person’s headache to think over it and they are responsible for their own actions.

And well same goes the other way around; you are equally responsible for your own reactions and actions.
My goal here is to say that don’t take shit too seriously; and that’s for your own good. Peace out.


  1. We have no control over what others say or do and to be quite honest, it takes too much energy to worry about it. I like you. I enjoy your thoughts and thank you for sharing.

  2. I'd agree with Drenchy on this one. Life is far too short to worry over the insignificant ones in life :)
